
техн. Горизонтальный рубящий удар.

Японско-русский словарь терминов японских боевых искусств. . 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "yokogiri" в других словарях:

  • Shinkendo — is a martial art that teaches the way of samurai swordsmanship. The meaning of the name Shinkendo can be interpreted a couple of ways. Literally, Shin can be translated as real , ken as sword , and do as way , thus one English translation of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Shintō Musō-ryū Jo Kata — hintō Musō ryū Jo KataKata ( forms ) is an old way of teaching traditional martial arts in Japan. Kata is used in many modern and koryu martial arts as a way of teaching advanced techniques and maneuvers using a series of scripted movements and… …   Wikipedia

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